Thursday, February 27, 2014

T-Shirt Quilts

So how many tee shirts do you have in your closet, drawers, or hanging in your closet ??? Do you wear them all or do you just store them for 'someday' when you might wear them ?  How about making a quilt out of at Ballard Bunting we can do that for you. It makes a great keepsake as well as a very cozy blanket.

Some of the customers have made themed T- shirt quilts. Such as all their school shirts, maybe some were all sports related, another girl chose to make one with all the t-shirts she had bought as she traveled to different places, and then one was places that the person had worked. If you don't have a lot of shirts, you can also alternate them with a block of colored fabric to fill in.

Anyway you can stop in with your shirts and we can go over a plan and what would work best for you special quilt.

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